Understanding Pain
Pain is created in your brain. We now know that the feeling of pain is something your brain decides that you should experience, if it believes there is a problem. Even if it only senses a potential threat of damage to tissues, your brain will decide if you should feel...
Your Symptoms: Good or Bad?
Symptoms are not pleasant. No one enjoys feeling unwell or experiencing pain. We have been educated to always see them as bad and to try to alleviate them as soon as possible, however we can. Sometimes though, it is without regard for our health, or without...
You’re More Intelligent Than You Think
In chiropractic we often talk about how amazing this body of ours is. We each have an inborn wisdom within us that runs our body every day of our lives, every hour of every day, and it is best able to do this if there is no interference present. This is the innate...
Health Beliefs
There are a range of factors that influence how we view the world and how we think about issues of importance such as health. Possible influences on our health beliefs include our family life, particularly the behaviour of our parents concerning health issues during...
Recent Chiropractic Research Findings
Two studies that have recently been published support the benefits of chiropractic adjustments for improved nervous system function that can have important effects on our quality of life. The first of these studies (1) was a randomised controlled trial which showed...
Does the Absence of Symptoms Equal Health?
Is a person healthy the day before they have a fatal heart attack or stroke, if they feel fine? Is someone with cancer healthy if the cancer is not advanced enough to cause symptoms? Does a person have a healthy spine if it feels fine the moment before they bend over...
Disease Is The Absence of Health
We need to begin to view health as the entity and disease as the non-entity, that is, the absence of health. Science acknowledges both entities and non-entities. However, its attention is always directed toward the entity, except with health and disease. Let's look at...
Why You Do What You Do Matters
As a teenager, I can remember exercising in an attempt to build up some muscles to impress the girls. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in both endeavours. It takes time to build muscle, more than I expected, and I became discouraged when I didn't see immediate...
How Chiropractic Began
Chiropractic recently turned 120 years old. The profession of chiropractic traces its origins to the 18th of September,1895, in Davenport, Iowa in the United States, when a magnetic healer, Daniel David Palmer, delivered the first specific chiropractic adjustment....
Social Media and Your Neck
A decade ago the way backpacks were worn by younger people in the ACT was one of the most significant postural concerns for me as a Canberra chiropractor. Although it is now far from perfect (they are still generally too low and too heavy), their use is better now...