Chiropractor FAQ
What is a chiropractor? Chiropractors are highly trained wellness professionals who focus on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, with an emphasis on spinal adjustments. When you think of spinal adjustments, an image that comes to mind is of...
Exercise for Low Back Pain
Earlier in human history, we would not have come home after a day of hunting and gathering and then tried to fit in a series of sit-ups before dinner. Our life was full of physical activity, which did not need to be supplemented by intentionally doing exercises....
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
There were some revealing results from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey as reported in the journal Spine. [1] This survey was completed by 34,525 participants in the U.S. The researchers found that Chiropractic is a commonly used approach to treat...
Tips for better sleeping
I am often asked, “What mattress and pillow should I use?” The answer is “whatever feels comfortable”, with a few provisos. Some people spend thousands of dollars on a new mattress in an attempt to alleviate the spinal pain they experience during the night, or after...
Sacroiliac Joint Subluxations
Sacroiliac Joint Subluxations The sacroiliac joints, also known as SI joints, are the joints between the sacrum (the triangular wedge of bone that your spinal column sits on) and the ilia (the large pelvic bones). To locate the joints, feel the bottom of...
Healing Takes Time
Healing Takes Time Often when people present to a chiropractor they do so with longstanding, chronic complaints, sometimes even of a few decades duration. Given that we often only begin to feel bodily symptoms when the problem is quite advanced, the...
Back Pain Drugs Ineffective
A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Andrew Taylor reported on research revealing that millions of Australians are wasting their money on back pain drugs that do more harm than good. This is according to a study by researchers at The George Institute for...
Facet Joint Syndrome
Your facet joints are found at the back of the spine. These two joints on either side of the spine lock each vertebra together with the vertebrae above and below. Their role is to stabilise the spine by controlling excessive movement especially in extension and...
Referred Pain
Chiropractors are routinely asked ‘What is referred pain?’ You might be experiencing what you assume are minor aches and pains. These could occur anywhere in multiple forms, from tingling pain down the arms or legs to soreness in the hips. Often, the source of these...
Understanding Pain – Part 2
Brain scientists who have studied the effects of chiropractic spinal adjustments have discovered that adjustments change brain function. That is, chiropractic has a neural plastic effect on the brain. In particular, adjustments change function in the part of the brain...